PHPStreamServer is a high performance event-loop based process manager, TCP, and UDP server.
It's primarily designed to run web applications and can replace traditional web application stacks such as nginx + php-fpm and supervisord.
It only requires php-cli to run and nothing more.
PHPStreamServer operates on a multi-process architecture with epoll and non-blocking IO, allowing each process to handle thousands of concurrent connections.
It resides in memory, delivering exceptional performance.
The built-in sever supports tcp, udp, text, http, https protocols and provides an option to implement custom protocols.
With a built-in PSR-7 HTTP server you can easily integrate any PSR-7 compatible framework with it in no time.
Requirements and limitations:
- Unix based OS (no windows support);
- php-posix and php-pcntl extensions;
- php-uv extension is not required, but highly recommended for better performance.
Getting started
Install composer packages
$ composer require luzrain/phpstreamserver
Configure server
The simple http server might look like this:
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\Exception\HttpException;
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\Listener;
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\Server;
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\Server\Connection\ConnectionInterface;
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\Server\Http\Psr7\Response;
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\Server\Protocols\Http;
use Luzrain\PHPStreamServer\WorkerProcess;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
$server = new Server();
$server->addWorkers(new WorkerProcess(
name: 'HTTP Server',
onStart: function (WorkerProcess $worker) {
$worker->startListener(new Listener(
listen: 'tcp://',
protocol: new Http(),
onMessage: function (ConnectionInterface $connection, ServerRequestInterface $data): void {
$response = match ($data->getUri()->getPath()) {
'/' => new Response(body: 'Hello world'),
'/ping' => new Response(body: 'pong'),
default => throw HttpException::createNotFoundException(),
$ php server.php start
Server in you browser to see "Hello world" message.