High-performance PHP application server and process manager written in PHP

PHPStreamServer is a high-performance, event-loop-based application server and supervisor for PHP, written in PHP.
Powered by the Revolt event loop and built on the AMPHP ecosystem, it brings true asynchronous capabilities to your applications.
PHPStreamServer is highly extensible with its plugin system, allowing it to replace traditional setups like Nginx, PHP-FPM, Cron, and Supervisor.


Runs on PHP
No additional software is required—PHPStreamServer runs entirely on PHP. Just install via Composer and get started!
Keeps applications loaded in memory for enhanced performance and faster response times.
Asynchronous HTTP Server
Built-in HTTP server with support for HTTP/2, HTTPS, GZIP, static file serving, and middleware.
Advanced Worker Management
Includes worker reload strategies based on TTL, memory usage, or exceptions.
Flexible Scheduler
Schedule tasks like Cron jobs with customizable intervals.
Support for External Programs
Manage non-PHP applications alongside PHP workers seamlessly.
Powerful Logging System
Log to files, Stdout/Stderr, Syslog, or Graylog with advanced log routing.
Prometheus Metrics Support
Exposes a metrics endpoint for monitoring server performance and tracking custom application metrics.
File Monitoring for Development
Automatically reloads workers when file changes are detected, perfect for development experience.
Plugin System
Extend functionality with built-in plugins or create custom plugins to fit your needs.