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Http Server Plugin

The HTTP Server Plugin provides an asynchronous HTTP server and includes additional reload strategies.


$ composer require phpstreamserver/http-server

Example of usage

use Amp\Http\Server\HttpErrorException;
use Amp\Http\Server\Request;
use Amp\Http\Server\Response;
use PHPStreamServer\Core\Server;
use PHPStreamServer\Plugin\HttpServer\HttpServerPlugin;
use PHPStreamServer\Plugin\HttpServer\ReloadStrategy\MaxRequestsReloadStrategy;
use PHPStreamServer\Plugin\HttpServer\Worker\HttpServerProcess;

$server = new Server();

new HttpServerPlugin(
// HttpServerPlugin configuration

new HttpServerProcess(
// HttpServerProcess configuration
name: 'Web Server',
count: 2,
listen: '',
onRequest: function (Request $request, HttpServerProcess $worker): Response {
return match ($request->getUri()->getPath()) {
'/' => new Response(body: 'Hello world'),
'/ping' => new Response(body: 'pong'),
default => throw new HttpErrorException(404),
reloadStrategies: [
new MaxRequestsReloadStrategy(100),
