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File Monitor Plugin

The File Monitor Plugin is designed to monitor specified directories for file changes. It automatically reloads workers whenever a file within those directories is modified.


$ composer require phpstreamserver/file-monitor

Example of usage

use PHPStreamServer\Core\Server;
use PHPStreamServer\Core\Worker\WorkerProcess;
use PHPStreamServer\Plugin\FileMonitor\FileMonitorPlugin;
use PHPStreamServer\Plugin\FileMonitor\WatchDir;

$server = new Server();

new FileMonitorPlugin(
new WatchDir(sourceDir: __DIR__, filePattern: ['*'], recursive: true, invalidateOpcache: true),

new WorkerProcess(
name: 'Worker process',
onStart: function (WorkerProcess $worker): void {
$worker->logger->notice("Worker process has started");



🔵 WatchDir

WatchDir specifies the directory and file patterns to monitor.

sourceDirstringnot setThe directory to monitor for file changes.
filePatternstring[]['*']Optional. A pattern that specifies which files to watch (e.g., *.php).
recursiveboolfalseOptional. Monitor files recursively down to the folder tree.
invalidateOpcacheboolfalseOptional. Whether to invalidate the OPCache when a file change is detected.